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EAEU TR 046/2018 On safety of natural gas

 Technical regulation TR EAEU 046/2018 "On safety of natural gas" defines uniform requirements on safety of natural gas. The rules should guarantee the protection of health and property. In addition, thanks to the new rules, environmental damages can be minimized. Furthermore, the rules should ensure the careful use of resources.

Adopted September,14 2018
Comes into force January, 1 2022

TR EAEU 046/2018 is applicable

  • Natural gas Erdgas for transport in gas piping
  • natural gas for industry and household
  • compressed oder liquid gas

TR EAEU 046/2018 is not applicable for

  • Gas for defence
  • Gas for export outside the EAEU
  • Gas from state reserves

Conformity assessment procedure

Conformity assessment of natural gas is carried out in the form of EAC Declaration.

The manufacturer of the gas is obliged to conduct test. The test result must be laid down in the technical passport.

The technical passport contains this information:

  • Gas name and brand
  • Business name of the manufacturer
  • Trade mark of the manufacturer
  • Name of the authorized representative
  • Test results
  • EAC marking
  • Date of manufacture and Passport number
  • Signature of the responsible person

Period of validity

EAC Declaration is valid 3 to 5 years depending on the chosen conformity assessment scheme.

Authorized representative

Only a company established in the territory of the customs union may apply for EAC certification or registration of an EAC declaration (EAC Declaration of Conformity). Companies outside the EAEU, for example in Germany or the EU, are not allowed to declare their own products or to mark them with EAC - Eurasian Conformity marks. Our company - Schmidt & Schmidt - offers you an authorized representative on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.

EAC marking

TR EAEU 046/2018 On safety of natural gas

Products which have been confirmed to conform with TR EAEU 046/2018 must be marked with the EAC marking before being placed on the market. The marking shall be attached on each package or label of the juice product. The marking shall be attached in such way that it is easily recognizable and legible throughout the entire shelf life.

TR EAEU 046/2018 On safety of natural gas in Russian