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乌兹别克斯坦认证,Uzbek certification



乌兹别克斯坦的产品认证程序是确认产品符合乌兹别克斯坦技术规范/标准的的官方形式,并包括制定符合性证书(certificate of conformity)或符合性声明(Declaration of conformity)。乌兹别克斯坦产品认证是为了产品符合规范性文件的要求而进行的。

什么是合格证书(Certificate of conformity)?

    乌兹别克斯坦 符合性证书(Certificate of conformity)是根据产品认证体系的规定颁发的文件,以确认认证产品是否符合既定法律法规要求。


     在乌兹别克斯坦生产和进口的产品受200476日乌兹别克斯坦内阁批准的强制性认证清单,№318“关于进一步措施,以简化产品认证程序”,并于2011428日,№122“在采取其他措施改进认证程序和实施质量管理体系”。这个产品清单是根据对外经济活动的商品命名(TN VED)进行订购。该清单每年更新一次,并在采取健康和保护消费者利益的新立法行为方面发生变化。













需要颁发合格证书(Certificate of conformity)的文件。







要获得产品合格证书(Certificate of conformity):













乌兹别克斯坦的产品认证程序是确认产品符合乌兹别克斯坦技术规范/标准的的官方形式,并包括制定符合性证书(certificate of conformity)或符合性声明(Declaration of conformity)。乌兹别克斯坦产品认证是为了产品符合规范性文件的要求而进行的。




The procedure for certification of products in Uzbekistan is the official form of compliance confirmation and includes the formulation of a certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity. Some positions may be notified. Certification of products is carried out for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

What is a certificate of conformity?

    The certificate of conformity is, the document issued according to the rules of the certification system to confirm compliance of the certified products with the established requirements.

 How to determine when a mandatory certificate is required?

     The list of products produced in the Republic of Uzbekistan and imported to its territory subject to compulsory certification is approved by the Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 6, 2004, No. 318 "On additional measures to simplify the procedure for certification of products" and on April 28, 2011, No. 122 "On additional measures to improve certification procedures and implementation of quality management systems ". In this list of products are ordered in accordance with the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity (TN VED). The list is updated annually and changes in connection with the adoption of new legislative acts in the field of health and protection of consumer interests.

 What is a voluntary certificate of compliance?

     Voluntary certification is carried out on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On certification of products and services" at the request of the applicant to confirm the compliance of products with the requirements of regulatory documents.

     Voluntary certification of products is applied in respect of goods that are not included in the approved commodity nomenclature or for products subject to compulsory certification, tested for requirements other than security requirements from the Nomenclature. The procedure of voluntary certification is carried out at the initiative of the applicant and passes through the same certification schemes as mandatory: first, laboratory studies of products are carried out, and only after that the final document is issued. A certificate of conformity can be issued for a period of one to three years.

Registration of voluntary certificates for products in the conditions of market relations provides significant advantages:

helps convince consumers that products meet their specific requirements;

We provide trust in the domestic and foreign markets for consumers to the quality of products;

simplifies and facilitates the choice of the desired products to consumers;

gives a guarantee to the consumer for obtaining relevant information on the quality of products;

assists in longer-term success and protection when competing with manufacturers of products without a certificate;

carries out stopping the receipt of imported products that have not reached the corresponding quality level;

stimulates the improvement of the quality of scientific and technical documentation due to the establishment in it of the most modern requirements;

facilitates the acquisition of funds to improve the organizational and technical level in terms of production.

Documents required to issue a certificate of conformity.

For certification of imported products:

application on the form with the seal of the Applicant;

copy of the normative document for the products (if any);

sample of product labeling (product information);

shipping document with a mark about the arrival in the customs territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan (commodity-transport waybill, invoice, invoice).

copy of the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion (if available).

To obtain a certificate of conformity for products:

application on the form with the seal of the Applicant;

copy of the normative document for the products;

sample of product labeling (product information);

copy of the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion (if necessary).

The procedure for certification of products includes:

filing an application for certification (application form);

analysis of regulatory documents for the products and other documents attached to the application;

decision-making on the application;

identification, sampling;

preparation of the test program in accordance with the mandatory requirements of the product standard;

a survey of the state of production (for certification schemes Nos. 3 and 4)

testing of samples in a testing laboratory;




Законодательная и нормативно-правовая база в области оценки соответствия
  • осуществляет государственную политику в области сертификации;
  • устанавливает общие правила и порядок по проведению сертификации продукции, работ и услуг, систем качества, гармонизированные с международными нормами и стандартами устанавливает;
  • разрабатывает проекты программ по совершенствованию системы сертификации и представляет их на рассмотрение Кабинета Министров Республики Узбекистан;
  • по согласованию с Кабинетом Министров Республики Узбекистан принимает решения о присоединении к международным системам сертификации, а также, заключает соглашения о взаимном признании результатов сертификации;
  • представляет Республику Узбекистан во взаимоотношениях с другими государствами и в международных организациях по вопросам сертификации;
  • по согласованию с Кабинетом Министров Республики Узбекистан определяет перечень продукции, подлежащей обязательной сертификации;
  • руководит Национальной системой сертификации Республики Узбекистан;
  • осуществляет государственный контроль за соблюдением законодательства об обязательной сертификации продукции, работ и услуг;
  • ведет Государственный реестр систем сертификации однородной продукции, сертифицированной продукции, систем качества, экспертов-аудиторов по качеству;

    Проведение работ по сертификации осуществляют органы по сертификации, аккредитованные при Республиканском центре испытаний и сертификации (в том числе региональные подразделения) и аккредитованные органы по сертификации однородной продукции.
    Координацию и общее руководство работой в области сертификации осуществляет Управление технической политикой в области подтверждения соответствия Агентства "Узстандарт".
    Национальный знак соответствия Республики Узбекистан
    Международные соглашения в области сертификации
         Республикой Узбекистан заключены соглашения о признании сертификатов  соответствия на продукцию (услуги) со следующими государствами:
    • Турция
    • государства - участники СНГ в рамках многостороннего Соглашения о проведении согласованной политики в области стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации от 13 марта 1992г.
    • ---------------------
  • Legislative, normative and legal basis.
    ·         Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Products and Services Certification”;·
    -         Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Consumers Rights Protection”;
    ·         Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Foodstuffs Quality and Safety”;
    ·        Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Decree No. 409 dated August 8, 1994 «On the Adoption of the Products List subject to the Mandatory Certification, Order of the Certification Performance, import to the territory of Uzbekistan and  export from its territory of goods for which certification of their safety is required»;
    ·        Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Decree No. 373 dated August 5, 2004 «On improvement of the structure and activity arrangement of the Uzbekistan Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Certification»;
    ·        Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Decree No. 427 dated December 5, 2002 «On Realization of Measures for Perfection of the Consumer Goods Import to the Republic of Uzbekistan»;
    ·        Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Decree No. 318 dated July 6, 2004 «On Further Measures for Rendering Product Certification Procedures» (There are list of products subject to mandatory certification in the territory of Republic of Uzbekistan. Present list of products has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministries with Resolution no.318 dated 06. 07. 2004.);
    ·        Basic Normative documents of the National System of Certification (NSC).“Uzstandard” Agency is the National Certification Authority of the Republic of Uzbekistan and according to the legislation in force it performs the following functions:
    ·        Implement state policy in the field of certification;
    ·        Establish general rules and the order for the Certification of the products, services, quality systems in compliance with the International norms and standards;
    ·        Work out programs’ drafts on the perfection of the Certification system and present them for consideration to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
    ·        Upon agreement with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan take decisions regarding joining International Certification Systems and also conclude agreements for the mutual acknowledgement of the certification results;
    ·        Represent the Republic of Uzbekistan in the mutual relations with the other states and also in the International organizations on the Certification matters;
    ·        Upon agreement with the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan determine the List of products subject to the obligatory certification;
    ·        Provide guidance for the National certification System of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
    ·        Exercise state control over the legislation observance regarding obligatory certification of the products, works and services;
    ·        Maintain State Register of the Certification System of the homogeneous products, certified products, quality systems, and expert-auditors on quality. Certification works are executed by the Republic Center for Testing and Certification with territorial subdivisions and 73 accredited bodies on the homogeneous product certification. The Department of the Technical Policy in the field of the conformance acknowledgement performs coordination and general guidance of the work in the field of certification.
